AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination
AVID's Mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
AVID is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and other post-secondary opportunities. Established more than 30 years ago with one teacher in one classroom, AVID today impacts more than 1,000,000 students in 46 states and 16 other countries/territories. AVID works in collaboration with schools and districts. In Beaverton, the AVID College Readiness System has been implemented in all secondary schools. At Merlo, the AVID Elective class is open, by application, to all 9th through 12th grade students.
The AVID College Readiness System develops learning, study and academic behavioral skills that are essential to success in rigorous coursework. It acts as a catalyst for schools to develop a culture of college readiness for all students across the campus. In the AVID Elective class, students receive daily instruction and support to prepare them for college from a trained AVID Elective teacher. AVID impacts students school-wide as academic strategies like writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organizational skills, and critical reading (WICOR) are taught in all classes by teachers who have been trained to use AVID strategies in their specific content areas.
AVID Tutorials incorporate inquiry into the tutoring process. Tutors learn to utilize Costa's Levels of Questioning (text explicit, text implicit, and experience-based thinking beyond the text) and focus on higher-level questions in the tutorial process. The inquiry process is facilitated by skillful questioning and provides students with the opportunity to become independent thinkers who master their own learning. In secondary school Elective classes, tutors work with students during two class periods per week (Tuesdays and Thursdays at Merlo). Teachers in all AVID schools are given instruction in the specialized AVID Tutorology.
Interested in applying for AVID? Ask you teacher or counselor for an application today.
We are also looking for AVID Volunteer Tutors to Help Students Get Ready to Succeed
The Beaverton AVID Program teaches students the skills and behaviors necessary for academic success in high school, college and beyond.
- AVID tutors work with small groups of middle and high school students under the supervision of the teacher.
- Tutors are trained to use specific strategies that help develop students' critical thinking, literacy, and math skills.
- Tutoring is held mainly on Tuesday and Thursday, and times vary depending on the school and volunteer availability. Other days are available.
- Training and ongoing support is provided.
- Community or Parent Volunteer Application, and Background Check are required.
For more information about Volunteering as an AVID Tutor, please visit the District Website.